WHAT A YEAR!2/5/2022
It has been an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to work on my Power Hat Project!
I would love to keep it live going forward ~ perhaps with artists in different mediums and new ideas. If you have any interest (or know of an artist who may) in doing a little bit of good in the world in a creative way, through art, wearable or otherwise, I invite yo to contact me. Let's chat!
Karen Sewell
0 CommentsPower Hat No. 5 is up for auction!7/31/2021
If you love this one head to AIM Services "Croquet on the Green " event on Tuesday, August 3rd:
I used AIM's colors of orange + blue and went with a slightly less formal design for this fifth and final piece. I gave it a fun little curly-q detail in the back, and then I added an antique cut steel button. It's a little bit retro, but with a modern twist.
And a reminder: The Saratoga Hospital Gala happens on August 4th, and they have the black and white polka dot piece.
And remember: It is always GOOD LUCK to wear a hat to the races! :)
0 CommentsIt's Already Time for the Fifth and Final Power Hat!7/23/2021
A.I.M. Services will be hosting their annual "Croquet on the Green" Tuesday, August 3rd, and I'm planning to incorporate their signature orange and blue into my piece for them. They'd like a hat that is a little more on the informal side, so I am thinking I'll add a slight modern twist to the classic vintage-y pillbox style. Perfect for a croquet picnic! What do you think?
0 CommentsJULY EVENTS HAPPENING!7/13/2021
Saratoga Bridges Silent Auction with online bidding is now live...........and will be closing at the end of the White Party With a Splash of Color Event on Saturday (July17th) at 9:30 PM. I have a link HERE to the Power Hat "With a Blush" if you'd like to place a bid or just follow along.
CAPTAIN CHS Silent Auction preview is now live..........and will available for bidding at the Unbridled Affair Gala on Thursday, July 22. I have a link HERE to the Power Hat "Georgiana." preview page. Gala tickets have sold out, but you can join the waitlist by calling (518) 399-4624.
0 CommentsMUCH NEWS TODAY!7/8/2021
The latest Power Hat, "Georgiana," (photos below, at end of this post) has been finished and delivered to CAPTAIN CHS, and will be offered on silent auction at the "Unbridled Affair" Gala July 22nd. There will be an opportunity for everyone and anyone who is interested to make a bid prior to the event via the online catalog, so I'll post a link here as soon as I have one.
Opening Day at the races is ONE WEEK away! After last year off due to Covid, everyone is ready to dress up and get out! Do you know it is GOOD LUCK to wear a hat to the races? Why not take a chance and place a bid on a Power Hat? These are all specially made for each participating Non Profit organization to auction or raffle, and are not going to be made available elsewhere. Who knows? You may end up winning a fabulous one-of-a-kind couture hat or fascinator! If you win at a less than retail bid, or by overly generous bid, you'll be doing a world of good either way!
While I am on the subject of online bidding, I have a link to share with anyone who might like to own "With a Blush," that champagne-y peach-y pinky fascinator (well, "hatinator" really) I featured in my previous blog post. There are plenty of really great items on Saratoga Bridges' auction block, and you don't need to attend the party on 7/17 to join in the fun. Take a peek at "With a Blush" on display here and see all the fun items here Please share the links! Let's everyone bid generously to help Saratoga Bridges with all the good work they do for our community. As always, thanks to all who are following along with my progress on The Power hat Project.......
Here's a reminder picture of "With a Blush"
Here are photos of Georgiana, the newest finished Power Hat:
0 CommentsSUMMER is in full swing!7/3/2021
The colors and inspirations of SUMMER!
July is here..... tomorrow is Independence Day already! A few days on Lake George recently was wonderfully inspiring. I've been working on a piece for CAPTAIN's Unbridled Affair, which is later this month, and I'm using the blues and greens of a great summer day on the lake. It's nearly finished, and scheduled to be delivered this coming Tuesday. The online early bidding is set to begin July 8th. I'm including a few progress photos today, and will be back to post the final images once the fascinator has been handed off.
Arin from Spectrum News will be accompanying me on Tuesday! Look for her story about The Power Hat Project as part of Spectrum's "Faces of Saratoga" series.
As always, I ask everyone to spread the word to all hat lovers, and please bid generously if you see something you love. All the proceeds for each item will go to help our neighbors in Saratoga County.
HAPPY 4th OF JULY to all!
0 CommentsIt's OFFICIAL: "With a Blush" has been delivered.....6/27/2021
The newest Power Hat has been delivered to Saratoga Bridges for their July 17th event, and will be one of many wonderful auction items available beginning online July first. I'll post a link when it has gone live. My contribution's title is a play on the event's title "The White Party with a Splash of Color!" Sounds like it'll be a great time!! And of course it's all to benefit the good work of Saratoga Bridges. Interested in attending? Check out party tickets HERE
Although this fascinator (or "hatinator" as some of the larger ones are called) has the appearance of a wide brimmed hat, it is actually held in place with a thin, padded, and super comfortable headband and I've added a tiny fascinator clip that can hold on to a couple strands of hair for extra extra stability. This way there is no concern about size. Anyone can wear this piece comfortably all day long, and with a bonus of NO HAT HAIR at the end of the event!
More details, progress and inspiration info can be found in my previous blog post.
Here are a couple of finished hats photos:
0 CommentsWith a Blush of Color6/24/2021
Saratoga Bridges will be hosting the annual White Party on July 17th, but this year it's going to be "The White Party With a Splash of Color," which seems so wonderfully appropriate, since we are FINALLY beginning to move past our COVID restrictions. In a nod to the party's theme, my contribution will be white with just a blush of color. I'm also including design elements that reflect a flower's petals opening in the warm summer sun, which reflects how many of us are feeling just about now.
Stay tuned for photos of the finished piece: it may look a bit of a mess at this point, but just you wait! I'll include a link to bidding information (Bidding will open July first) as well.
0 CommentsA Warm Summer Day By The Lake6/12/2021
Although this piece is officially entitled "Power Hat Project No.2," I might otherwise call it "A Warm Summer Day by the Lake." The classic black and white brim brings a bit of a vintage feel, and I can picture this fascinator being worn for a relaxing picnic by a lake somewhere in time. Fascinator??? Yes! There is no worry about hat size, since this has a slim, surprisingly comfortable headband along with a tiny hair clip sewn inside to keep it securely in place.
Power Hat Project No.2 will be one of the auction offerings on August 4th, at the Saratoga Hospital Foundation's annual Gala. I've added a link HERE for information about the event, and if unable to attend you can still participate in the auction by signing up HERE!!
Power Hat Project wearable art headwear will be popping up and available on:
•July 17th at Saratoga Bridges White Party
•July 22nd at CAPTAIN's Unbridled Affair
•August 3rd at AIM's Croquet on the Green event
.....and the hat pictured above on August 4th at The Saratoga Hospital Foundation's annual Gala
I will be posting more information as we get closer to these events, with progress photos and details about the Power Hat pieces available at each, so pleas check back and follow along.
As always, if you have any theme, color or idea suggestions, I am happy to take on a challenge!
My contribution "Power Hat Project No.2" will go on to help The Saratoga Hospital Foundation's efforts for our community. I am so happy to be able to help in my small way, and ask that you bid generously. You can read about the foundation here.
Cheers!, Karen
0 CommentsHere we are....5/26/2021
Here we are: nearly Memorial day already! Work on the second Power Hat Project piece is well under way, and it will soon be finished! Black polka dot on white: classic for summer! Where will this one be going? Where and when will it be available, and which organization will be helped? Check back for all these details, and for photos of the finished fascinator. Now, though, I'm heading back to the studio! Cheers!!
And Then There Was One4/30/2021
One space left.
Four wonderful organizations have partnered with The Power Hat Project so far, so I am still looking for one non-profit organization that might like to have one of my hats or fascinators to add to an auction or raffle at an already planned event this year. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you know a great organization that could use one of my donations. Thanks!!
0 CommentsApril 30th, 20214/30/2021
0 CommentsOPEN CALL for non-profit organizations!4/25/2021
I am looking to partner with a few non-profit organizations that may need donations for upcoming auctions, silent auctions, raffles, etc......
I am a Saratoga Springs based milliner grateful to have been awarded an artist grant by Saratoga Arts/NYSCA for my idea entitled “The Power Hat Project.” This grant enables me to create unique wearable art hats or fascinators to be donated to local non-profit organizations that will host fundraising events in Saratoga County, NY.
If you know an organization who could use one of my creations for their event, I invite you to contact me or send a comment below. THANK YOU, and please follow along to see how things progress!
<<PreviousAuthor: The Power Hat Project CreatorMillinery Artist Karen Sewell
ArchivesFebruary 2022
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
RSS Feed
Saratoga Arts made this program possible with an Individual Artist Grant funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to work on my Power Hat Project!
I would love to keep it live going forward ~ perhaps with artists in different mediums and new ideas. If you have any interest (or know of an artist who may) in doing a little bit of good in the world in a creative way, through art, wearable or otherwise, I invite yo to contact me. Let's chat!
Karen Sewell
0 CommentsPower Hat No. 5 is up for auction!7/31/2021
If you love this one head to AIM Services "Croquet on the Green " event on Tuesday, August 3rd:
I used AIM's colors of orange + blue and went with a slightly less formal design for this fifth and final piece. I gave it a fun little curly-q detail in the back, and then I added an antique cut steel button. It's a little bit retro, but with a modern twist.
And a reminder: The Saratoga Hospital Gala happens on August 4th, and they have the black and white polka dot piece.
And remember: It is always GOOD LUCK to wear a hat to the races! :)
0 CommentsIt's Already Time for the Fifth and Final Power Hat!7/23/2021
A.I.M. Services will be hosting their annual "Croquet on the Green" Tuesday, August 3rd, and I'm planning to incorporate their signature orange and blue into my piece for them. They'd like a hat that is a little more on the informal side, so I am thinking I'll add a slight modern twist to the classic vintage-y pillbox style. Perfect for a croquet picnic! What do you think?
0 CommentsJULY EVENTS HAPPENING!7/13/2021
Saratoga Bridges Silent Auction with online bidding is now live...........and will be closing at the end of the White Party With a Splash of Color Event on Saturday (July17th) at 9:30 PM. I have a link HERE to the Power Hat "With a Blush" if you'd like to place a bid or just follow along.
CAPTAIN CHS Silent Auction preview is now live..........and will available for bidding at the Unbridled Affair Gala on Thursday, July 22. I have a link HERE to the Power Hat "Georgiana." preview page. Gala tickets have sold out, but you can join the waitlist by calling (518) 399-4624.
0 CommentsMUCH NEWS TODAY!7/8/2021
The latest Power Hat, "Georgiana," (photos below, at end of this post) has been finished and delivered to CAPTAIN CHS, and will be offered on silent auction at the "Unbridled Affair" Gala July 22nd. There will be an opportunity for everyone and anyone who is interested to make a bid prior to the event via the online catalog, so I'll post a link here as soon as I have one.
Opening Day at the races is ONE WEEK away! After last year off due to Covid, everyone is ready to dress up and get out! Do you know it is GOOD LUCK to wear a hat to the races? Why not take a chance and place a bid on a Power Hat? These are all specially made for each participating Non Profit organization to auction or raffle, and are not going to be made available elsewhere. Who knows? You may end up winning a fabulous one-of-a-kind couture hat or fascinator! If you win at a less than retail bid, or by overly generous bid, you'll be doing a world of good either way!
While I am on the subject of online bidding, I have a link to share with anyone who might like to own "With a Blush," that champagne-y peach-y pinky fascinator (well, "hatinator" really) I featured in my previous blog post. There are plenty of really great items on Saratoga Bridges' auction block, and you don't need to attend the party on 7/17 to join in the fun. Take a peek at "With a Blush" on display here and see all the fun items here Please share the links! Let's everyone bid generously to help Saratoga Bridges with all the good work they do for our community. As always, thanks to all who are following along with my progress on The Power hat Project.......
Here's a reminder picture of "With a Blush"
Here are photos of Georgiana, the newest finished Power Hat:
0 CommentsSUMMER is in full swing!7/3/2021
The colors and inspirations of SUMMER!
July is here..... tomorrow is Independence Day already! A few days on Lake George recently was wonderfully inspiring. I've been working on a piece for CAPTAIN's Unbridled Affair, which is later this month, and I'm using the blues and greens of a great summer day on the lake. It's nearly finished, and scheduled to be delivered this coming Tuesday. The online early bidding is set to begin July 8th. I'm including a few progress photos today, and will be back to post the final images once the fascinator has been handed off.
Arin from Spectrum News will be accompanying me on Tuesday! Look for her story about The Power Hat Project as part of Spectrum's "Faces of Saratoga" series.
As always, I ask everyone to spread the word to all hat lovers, and please bid generously if you see something you love. All the proceeds for each item will go to help our neighbors in Saratoga County.
HAPPY 4th OF JULY to all!
0 CommentsIt's OFFICIAL: "With a Blush" has been delivered.....6/27/2021
The newest Power Hat has been delivered to Saratoga Bridges for their July 17th event, and will be one of many wonderful auction items available beginning online July first. I'll post a link when it has gone live. My contribution's title is a play on the event's title "The White Party with a Splash of Color!" Sounds like it'll be a great time!! And of course it's all to benefit the good work of Saratoga Bridges. Interested in attending? Check out party tickets HERE
Although this fascinator (or "hatinator" as some of the larger ones are called) has the appearance of a wide brimmed hat, it is actually held in place with a thin, padded, and super comfortable headband and I've added a tiny fascinator clip that can hold on to a couple strands of hair for extra extra stability. This way there is no concern about size. Anyone can wear this piece comfortably all day long, and with a bonus of NO HAT HAIR at the end of the event!
More details, progress and inspiration info can be found in my previous blog post.
Here are a couple of finished hats photos:
0 CommentsWith a Blush of Color6/24/2021
Saratoga Bridges will be hosting the annual White Party on July 17th, but this year it's going to be "The White Party With a Splash of Color," which seems so wonderfully appropriate, since we are FINALLY beginning to move past our COVID restrictions. In a nod to the party's theme, my contribution will be white with just a blush of color. I'm also including design elements that reflect a flower's petals opening in the warm summer sun, which reflects how many of us are feeling just about now.
Stay tuned for photos of the finished piece: it may look a bit of a mess at this point, but just you wait! I'll include a link to bidding information (Bidding will open July first) as well.
0 CommentsA Warm Summer Day By The Lake6/12/2021
Although this piece is officially entitled "Power Hat Project No.2," I might otherwise call it "A Warm Summer Day by the Lake." The classic black and white brim brings a bit of a vintage feel, and I can picture this fascinator being worn for a relaxing picnic by a lake somewhere in time. Fascinator??? Yes! There is no worry about hat size, since this has a slim, surprisingly comfortable headband along with a tiny hair clip sewn inside to keep it securely in place.
Power Hat Project No.2 will be one of the auction offerings on August 4th, at the Saratoga Hospital Foundation's annual Gala. I've added a link HERE for information about the event, and if unable to attend you can still participate in the auction by signing up HERE!!
Power Hat Project wearable art headwear will be popping up and available on:
•July 17th at Saratoga Bridges White Party
•July 22nd at CAPTAIN's Unbridled Affair
•August 3rd at AIM's Croquet on the Green event
.....and the hat pictured above on August 4th at The Saratoga Hospital Foundation's annual Gala
I will be posting more information as we get closer to these events, with progress photos and details about the Power Hat pieces available at each, so pleas check back and follow along.
As always, if you have any theme, color or idea suggestions, I am happy to take on a challenge!
My contribution "Power Hat Project No.2" will go on to help The Saratoga Hospital Foundation's efforts for our community. I am so happy to be able to help in my small way, and ask that you bid generously. You can read about the foundation here.
Cheers!, Karen
0 CommentsHere we are....5/26/2021
Here we are: nearly Memorial day already! Work on the second Power Hat Project piece is well under way, and it will soon be finished! Black polka dot on white: classic for summer! Where will this one be going? Where and when will it be available, and which organization will be helped? Check back for all these details, and for photos of the finished fascinator. Now, though, I'm heading back to the studio! Cheers!!
And Then There Was One4/30/2021
One space left.
Four wonderful organizations have partnered with The Power Hat Project so far, so I am still looking for one non-profit organization that might like to have one of my hats or fascinators to add to an auction or raffle at an already planned event this year. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you know a great organization that could use one of my donations. Thanks!!
0 CommentsApril 30th, 20214/30/2021
0 CommentsOPEN CALL for non-profit organizations!4/25/2021
I am looking to partner with a few non-profit organizations that may need donations for upcoming auctions, silent auctions, raffles, etc......
I am a Saratoga Springs based milliner grateful to have been awarded an artist grant by Saratoga Arts/NYSCA for my idea entitled “The Power Hat Project.” This grant enables me to create unique wearable art hats or fascinators to be donated to local non-profit organizations that will host fundraising events in Saratoga County, NY.
If you know an organization who could use one of my creations for their event, I invite you to contact me or send a comment below. THANK YOU, and please follow along to see how things progress!
<<PreviousAuthor: The Power Hat Project CreatorMillinery Artist Karen Sewell
ArchivesFebruary 2022
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
RSS Feed
Saratoga Arts made this program possible with an Individual Artist Grant funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.